Tahoe Kush 5 Pack


You’re invited to a party with Tahoe Kush. This is a very potent strain that can provide recreational and therapeutic uses. It has a woody, piney, and musky aroma and scent. You’ll fall for its crystal-coated buds and leaves especially come harvest time. It requires pruning and trimming to keep its shape.

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More About Tahoe Kush

A legend, party smoker strain

Tahoe Kush variation is a mix raised in for enhanced production and durability. The fragrance is a remarkably tempting fusion of earth-like flavoring with whiffs of citrons while the vapor has a rare abiding woody, piney, and citron husk punch.

Its seeds mature into exquisitely crystal-covered plants with heavy protection to rust and decay. It offers a harvest of 283 to 340 grams per weed in an open-air and 310 per square meter indoors with a standard flourishing period of 70 -80 days. The plant absorbs high measures of calcium, nitrogen, and magnesium. Prudent trimming and nourishing timetables will guarantee that it attains its maximum potential.

Several farmers describe this strain as an enormous brilliant farm because of its extremely prominent resin composition. It has a high growth percentage and thrives strongly in all means utilizing the Sea of Green technique. Whether you desire to see the dank natural drive, numerous suggest germinating this cannabis in bio-organic loams.